Gonzales, Texas

We invite you, your family, and friends to join us just as you are, ready to receive God. Our gatherings offer times of learning and fellowship. Everyone is invited regardless of where you might be on your Christian walk, whether you’re waiting to take that first step or have been walking with God for years.

We’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) that are meant to help you feel comfortable and aware of what to expect when joining us.

Should I bring my Bible?
You’re encouraged to bring your Bible in whatever format you prefer. You will find people access their Bible from electronic devices, as well as hard copies. We also have Bibles available at each row, and occasionally scriptures are displayed through a Power Point presentation.

What should I wear?
From boots and jeans to dresses and heels. We do not have a required dress code and encourage you to wear what is most comfortable to you.

What is worship like?
Our services are a capella (non-instrumental) and feature classic and contemporary hymns.

How often do you celebrate communion?
We receive communion together each week to remember the sacrifice Christ made for us. We invite all believers to join in communion with us. The bread will be passed first, followed by the cup.

Do you receive an offering?
As our guest, we do not want you to feel obligated to give during the offering. If you do desire to give, please know we are devoted to being good stewards. Members and regular attendees are encouraged to be faithful in tithing.

Do you offer childcare?
We offer Bible Classes for nursery (Cradle Roll) through 12th grade. The nursery classroom is equipped with a changing table, rocking chair, and toys. The nursery is unmanned during service, but has a window overlooking the auditorium and a speaker, so that parents may still participate in worship if they must step out with their children.

What Bible studies do you offer?
We have classes for all ages at 9 a.m. each Sunday. The adults meet together in the auditorium, and our children’s classes are divided by age. We also meet together on Wednesdays at 6 p.m. for Bible study and devotional. We have various activities on Sunday evenings but no regularly scheduled activities at the building.

The Ladies have a class offered Monday evenings at 5:30.

The men have an early morning prayer meeting each Tuesday at 7.

If you have any questions about what to expect or something you experienced while attending services with us, please do not hesitate to contact us.